Self-publishing a book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a popular option for authors looking to get their work out there without going through traditional publishing channels. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:
1. Create an Amazon KDP Account
Visit and click "Sign in" or "Sign up". If you already have an Amazon account, use it to sign into KDP. If not, create a new account and accept the terms of use. You'll then see your Amazon Author dashboard.
2. Add a New Kindle eBook
Since this is your first book on Amazon, click the "+ Kindle eBook" box to add a new title. As you enter information, remember to frequently click "Save as Draft" at the bottom of the page.
3. Set Your Primary Language
Choose the language your eBook was written in from the list of supported languages on Kindle.
4. Enter Your Book Title and Subtitle
Your book title is crucial - it's the first thing readers see and will influence their decision to buy. Spend time crafting a magnetic title that stands out. You can also add an optional subtitle.
5. Enter the Author Name
Enter the name you want to publish under, either your real name or a pen name. If there are multiple authors, add their names in the Contributors section[1].
6. Upload Your Manuscript
Click "Browse for book" under the "Kindle eBook manuscript" section and select your manuscript file. Amazon supports a variety of file types including Word docs, HTML, ePub, and KPF.
7. Create Your Book Cover
Your book cover is critical for attracting readers. You can either design your own cover or hire a professional designer. Amazon provides cover templates and design tools, but a professionally designed cover will look more polished.
8. Write Your Book Description
Craft a compelling book description that will entice readers to buy your book. Include keywords readers might search for, but avoid keyword stuffing. Keep it concise and engaging.
9. Set Your Publishing Rights
Select the publishing rights you hold for your book. Even if you haven't officially copyrighted your work, you still own the rights unless you've signed them over to someone else.
10. Choose Your Keywords and Categories
Select 7 keywords readers might use to search for your book. Also choose up to 2 categories that best fit your book. This helps Amazon categorize and market your book to the right readers.
11. Set Your Pricing and Royalties
Choose your book's list price. Amazon offers 35% or 70% royalties depending on the price. You can also enroll in KDP Select for extra promotional tools and access to the Kindle Unlimited library.
12. Preview and Publish
Review your book details one last time, then click "Publish Your Kindle eBook". It will take 12-72 hours for your book to go live on Amazon. You can then order a proof copy to check the formatting.
Self-publishing on Amazon KDP is a straightforward process, but takes time to do right. Spend time crafting a high-quality book, cover, and description to give your book the best chance of success. With hard work and persistence, you can successfully self-publish your book on the world's largest bookstore.

Kathy Asher